  1.  13
    Philosophy of sense.А. В Смирнов - 2023 - Philosophy Journal 16 (3):41-54.
    Healing the inner rupture of Russian culture caused by the reforms of Peter the Great is an urgent need which is still on agenda. This task can be accomplished by relying upon the logic of sobornost’ and vsesubyectnost’ that manifested itself as the basic value in the course of millennium of Russian history. Implanting the European section into the overall layout of the vsechelovecheskoye design of Russian culture will help bridge the gap between the culture of the upper strata totally (...)
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  2.  6
    Задачи логики смысла.А. В Смирнов - 2022 - Philosophy Journal 15 (4):108-122.
    Short, middle and long-term objectives for the logic of sense are outlined. The short-term objective is, firstly, to sketch the logic-and-meaning map of the four big cultures of hu­mankind (European, Arab-Muslim, South Asian and Far Eastern) producing the first de­scription of the logics of sense manifold. This description will outline that variant of (1) power of judgment, (2) basic (indefinable) categories of the theoretical (philosophi­cal included) discourse and (3) basic logical regulative principles that underlies that spe­cific big culture and defines (...)
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  3.  8
    Sense positing and plurality of reason.А. В Смирнов - 2023 - Philosophy Journal 16 (2):5-17.
    The article addresses the following question: what is sense (smysl) as such, not to be confused with the sense of something. The sense as such sets the absolute limit for human conscious­ness, since we can be conscious only of that which makes sense, and, vice versa, what makes sense is part of our consciousness. Sense is devoid of semiotic nature, for sense as such cannot be conceptualized as something opposed to meaning or related otherwise to it or to anything denoted. (...)
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